Airbit – Marketplace Feed

Project Overview

Marketplace Feed is a vibrant space where producers showcase their beats, and buyers engage in a harmonious exchange, a dynamic and real-time feed that facilitates the discovery of new and trending beats based on user preferences, a space where producers and buyers can actively engage with each other through likes, comments, reposts, and sharing functionalities, and an interface that allows for seamless navigation and exploration, ensuring users can easily filter and find beats that resonate with their musical preferences.


Limited Discoverability:
Users struggle to efficiently discover new and trending beats that align with their musical preferences due to the absence of a real-time and curated feed.
Lack of Community Interaction:
The existing platforms fail to provide robust features for producers and buyers to actively engage with each other, stifling the potential for collaboration and community building.
Complex Navigation:
The absence of an intuitive interface makes it challenging for users to navigate through the marketplace, hindering their ability to find beats that resonate with their creative vision.
Transactional Friction:
Direct transactions within the platform are cumbersome, causing a disconnect between the showcased beats and the purchasing process for buyers.


The goal of the Marketplace Feed is to address these challenges by conceptualizing, designing, and implementing a feature-rich feed that enhances discoverability, fosters community interaction, streamlines navigation, and facilitates seamless transactions.

My Role


Tools used:

Figma, Confluence, Amplitude, Jira


6 Months


User Research, Information Architecture, Testing, Prototyping, Developer Handoff

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